Saturday, November 22, 2008


Okay. Maybe my hormones are making me entirely unreasonable, but either way I'm all sorts of unsettled. So my mother in law, today she's like, "okay, I have a project for all of us girls today." So, I'm thinking oh, great, we're going to have to make more forsaken fleece blankets or make cards or scrapbook, but she wants us all to team up and clean out her stupid closets. The craft closet, the coat closet and the pantry. I'm seriously afraid that when we clean everything out of those closets we will uncover a secret portal to the seventh circle of hell!!!! They are that bad! She always buys all sorts of crap she never needs, then stores it in places like these closets. I don't want to clean them!
I think what makes me the maddest is not being given a choice, it's just, we are going to clean the closets, and that's that! Ugh! I hate being told what to do. I don't know why, but I have a serious case of stick it to the man-eosis. Maybe I should just be ok with this, i mean, her house her rules. but it chafes me so!
The other thing that ticks me off is how increadibly sexist this family is! I mean all the stupid guys have to do is take care of the stupid yard. You guys have seen this yard, it's just not all that substantial! Boo hoo! they have to pull a couple of weeds while I have to risk being sucked into the underworld! But, that's how it is because cleaning is the woman's job and yard work is the man's job. I just hope we don't find a spider while cleaning, because spider killing isn't in our job juristiction, we need a big tough man for that! Ooh! It sickens me! probably because at my house, my dad would be cleaning out the closet or doing yard work and my mom would be cooking or getting bills payed or maybe just listening to the Stones real loud on her computer (or all three). I'm not saying I don't want to cook or clean, I'm just saying, that's not all I want to do around the house. What if I'd rather pull weeds? What if I'd rather clean my own room and worry about my OWN stuff and avoid everyone in this house all together? I just don't like that gender roles have to be so defined by this white bread, june cleaver society! Okay, that's enough of that, people will wonder if I'm cleaning the closet, or coming out of it, ha ha ha!
You know what the real problem is? it's probably not gender roles, I just want to have my own closets, and my own space and my own life. I want to decide when and how stuff gets done for my own stuff. I'm tired of communal living. I want to be the boss! I don't want to be the worker! and yes, I'll just do it anyway, because I do use stuff in those closets, and I probably mess them up. and besides, what choice do I have? It's not like I can just get in my car and leave for the day. I just want my own place so bad I can't stand it. Everyone pray that money will work out, or low income housing or something! Until then, I'll continue to fight the system from the inside:) maybe I'll puke all over her craft supplies so she has to throw them all away. Ha ha ha! Okay, I'm calmed down now, and it doesn't seem so bad, but it is so nice to have a release for all of this! I heart blogging angrily!

1 comment:

Krista Eger said...

I heart reading your angry blogs!
I hope you do come out of the closet...then we don't have to hide our secret! :D
I will pray super hard for you tonight! I can't even begin to imagine how you feel! I think I would go even more crazy than you are...if I was in your situation...pretty sure the family would dis-own me! Or Phil would divorce me! You handle it very well!