Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A Baby Boy!!!!!!!!

We had the ultrasound yesterday, and I was right! It's a boy!(congrats to those of you who were right with me, and to those of you who weren't- you'll learn to doubt me, sucka's!) I still can't get over how cool it was to see him! I'm pretty sure he is the most awesome baby ever! He is due on April 19th, and we want to name him Kualii Russell Min. Some people (ok, just my brother in law, kuhio) don't think we should name him after Kualii, but I don't see why not. Kualii is a good name. It means kind chief or king. And Russell is my dad's name, so that can't go wrong, because my dad is pure awesomeness!
Well, I already like him so much that I'm making a top ten things I like about baby Kualii list. I'll probably make a new one once I really meet him.
10. He already reminds me of his dad. He was always moving!
9. He has a funny personality, he would tease the ultrasound tech, she needed him to straighten out for a picture, so he would for a minute, then he'd scrunch back up almost immediately, then he just stayed scrunched up, no matter what she did. You could tell she was getting a little frustrated!
8. He liked being scrunched up, like I do when I sleep, he had his knees up.
7. He seems so playful already.
6. HE IS A BOY!!!!!!!!!!! Ha ha ha! my sister in law was jealous, and I was RIGHT!
5. He has all his parts and they are working right, his heart was beating, his arms and legs were moving, and he weighs 9 ounces!
4. He could be a hand model. He kept moving his little hands in different positions, and they always looked cute!
3. It was just so freaking cool to see him!
2. All the measurements and pictures looked normal to the tech,(the pictures she could get) so he's normal and healthy!
1. He is mine! Isn't that so crazy?!


Krista Eger said...

YAYAYYAYAYYAYAYYAYYAYAYYAYYAYYA!!!!!! I can't wait to meet my "nephew"!! :D This post made me tear up a little cause I remembered when I got to see my little squirt and how amazing it was! I can't believe there's a little stinky baby boy in there! Isn't it the best to see them moving around and really know they're there? I'm so freaking excited for you! I'm so freaking excited for ME!! :D I love him more than any of his other aunts and uncles! haha! And Kuhio is just jealous that his name isn't as cool!

Jamie said...

That is so cool!