Monday, November 24, 2008

Happy Anniversary to Kanye and Luscious

Kanye and Luscious (Connie and Russell) are my parents. They have been married for 29 years today! I was thinking about it today, and I'm pretty sure they are the coolest parents EVER!!! When they die (in a hundred years) their funerals are going to be the most hard core funerals ever. I think they will request that we all wear shorts like Angus from ACDC (which will work out for zack, he has super purty man legs!) and we will probably have to play "For Those About to Rock, we Solute You!", that and "Hell's Bells". I think you get the message, my parents ROCK!!!!!
Top Ten Reasons my Parents kick a%$!
10. they instilled in me an appreciation for classic rock. This makes me feel profoundly superior to most people my age (excluding the ones reading this!)
9. They are hilarious. There is never a dull moment with them.
8. They appreciate sticking it to the man as much or more than I do.
7. They are way fun to hang out with.
6. They make all their kids feel special.
5. They take me four wheeling and buy me shoes and candy!
4. They let me and Kualii live in their house for free!
3. They are taking good care of my precious cargo (low rider):D
2. They are really good examples of a good marraige and they made it through some really hard times together, and never seperated or got divorced like lots of people do when life gets rough.
1. They love me the most of all of their kids (ha ha ha! just kidding!...or am I? I am pretty loveable!)

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Okay. Maybe my hormones are making me entirely unreasonable, but either way I'm all sorts of unsettled. So my mother in law, today she's like, "okay, I have a project for all of us girls today." So, I'm thinking oh, great, we're going to have to make more forsaken fleece blankets or make cards or scrapbook, but she wants us all to team up and clean out her stupid closets. The craft closet, the coat closet and the pantry. I'm seriously afraid that when we clean everything out of those closets we will uncover a secret portal to the seventh circle of hell!!!! They are that bad! She always buys all sorts of crap she never needs, then stores it in places like these closets. I don't want to clean them!
I think what makes me the maddest is not being given a choice, it's just, we are going to clean the closets, and that's that! Ugh! I hate being told what to do. I don't know why, but I have a serious case of stick it to the man-eosis. Maybe I should just be ok with this, i mean, her house her rules. but it chafes me so!
The other thing that ticks me off is how increadibly sexist this family is! I mean all the stupid guys have to do is take care of the stupid yard. You guys have seen this yard, it's just not all that substantial! Boo hoo! they have to pull a couple of weeds while I have to risk being sucked into the underworld! But, that's how it is because cleaning is the woman's job and yard work is the man's job. I just hope we don't find a spider while cleaning, because spider killing isn't in our job juristiction, we need a big tough man for that! Ooh! It sickens me! probably because at my house, my dad would be cleaning out the closet or doing yard work and my mom would be cooking or getting bills payed or maybe just listening to the Stones real loud on her computer (or all three). I'm not saying I don't want to cook or clean, I'm just saying, that's not all I want to do around the house. What if I'd rather pull weeds? What if I'd rather clean my own room and worry about my OWN stuff and avoid everyone in this house all together? I just don't like that gender roles have to be so defined by this white bread, june cleaver society! Okay, that's enough of that, people will wonder if I'm cleaning the closet, or coming out of it, ha ha ha!
You know what the real problem is? it's probably not gender roles, I just want to have my own closets, and my own space and my own life. I want to decide when and how stuff gets done for my own stuff. I'm tired of communal living. I want to be the boss! I don't want to be the worker! and yes, I'll just do it anyway, because I do use stuff in those closets, and I probably mess them up. and besides, what choice do I have? It's not like I can just get in my car and leave for the day. I just want my own place so bad I can't stand it. Everyone pray that money will work out, or low income housing or something! Until then, I'll continue to fight the system from the inside:) maybe I'll puke all over her craft supplies so she has to throw them all away. Ha ha ha! Okay, I'm calmed down now, and it doesn't seem so bad, but it is so nice to have a release for all of this! I heart blogging angrily!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Oh my gosh! I don't want to write this stupid alzheimers report!

I have an oral report due tomorrow, and do you think I can make myself start on it? heck to the no! I hate my stupid teacher, she is so lame! If all she wants me to do is get up there and spout some medical journal crap that no one understands, well then.... I'll just do it, but I'll draw mean pictures of her on my notebook afterwards.
I wonder if I could just bring my crazy grandma in as a case study. Then I'd have to worry about her being in st. george, and not taking her insulin and stealing a car and driving it off of one of these lovely, scenic, red cliffs. Yeah, not such a good idea. My grandma is mean anyway. I think she hates me, which is ok, but still every time i see a crappy little white car that looks like hers, I panic and have to remind myself I am in st. george, she is in aurora, and her car would definitely not make it down here!
Ok, enough procrastinating! I will write my report, like the good martyr that I am!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A Baby Boy!!!!!!!!

We had the ultrasound yesterday, and I was right! It's a boy!(congrats to those of you who were right with me, and to those of you who weren't- you'll learn to doubt me, sucka's!) I still can't get over how cool it was to see him! I'm pretty sure he is the most awesome baby ever! He is due on April 19th, and we want to name him Kualii Russell Min. Some people (ok, just my brother in law, kuhio) don't think we should name him after Kualii, but I don't see why not. Kualii is a good name. It means kind chief or king. And Russell is my dad's name, so that can't go wrong, because my dad is pure awesomeness!
Well, I already like him so much that I'm making a top ten things I like about baby Kualii list. I'll probably make a new one once I really meet him.
10. He already reminds me of his dad. He was always moving!
9. He has a funny personality, he would tease the ultrasound tech, she needed him to straighten out for a picture, so he would for a minute, then he'd scrunch back up almost immediately, then he just stayed scrunched up, no matter what she did. You could tell she was getting a little frustrated!
8. He liked being scrunched up, like I do when I sleep, he had his knees up.
7. He seems so playful already.
6. HE IS A BOY!!!!!!!!!!! Ha ha ha! my sister in law was jealous, and I was RIGHT!
5. He has all his parts and they are working right, his heart was beating, his arms and legs were moving, and he weighs 9 ounces!
4. He could be a hand model. He kept moving his little hands in different positions, and they always looked cute!
3. It was just so freaking cool to see him!
2. All the measurements and pictures looked normal to the tech,(the pictures she could get) so he's normal and healthy!
1. He is mine! Isn't that so crazy?!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Baby Junk

So, tomorrow we get to find out the sex of the baby!!!!!!!!!!!My many exclaimation points indicate my excitement! As most moms do, I have had lots of input, from family, friends and my intuition, and newly psychotic pregnant dreams (which they were already plenty crazy dreams, now they're just more crazy, with a more violent twist- I am super strong in my dreams). Kualii really, really wants a boy, I really want a boy too because when I got pregnant, Lei, my sister in law announced she was pregnant too, but a month ahead. They are having another girls, so if I have a boy it will be the first grandson on this side, and I need my thunder back. Also, I don't think Kualii will get as excited if it's a girl, which will fuel my rage. In my dream last night, I went to the ultrasound and found out it was twins, but, they were both hiding so we couldn't tell what either of them were, I then proceeded to sew Kualii a new church suit. I told you, my dreams are nuts. Here is the other input I have gotten:
My mom: thinks it's a girl, but she was dead wrong with Lei, and I think she just wants another granddaughter cause she's only got one.
My Dad: girl, he tends to agree with my mom, and likes to buy baby dresses, because they are cute.
Andrea(sister): girl, she wants another niece.
Suzy & TJ(sister and brother in law): no input, they are probably sure it's a baby though.
Zack(brother): he is voting Hermaphrodite. I'm hoping he's definitely wrong, if it's not a hermaphrodite, he thinks it'll be a boy.
Shaylee(niece, 8yrs) girl, her grandparents have infected her with their lies.
Brayden (nephew 7 yrs) girl, likewise
Cody (nephew 5 yrs); boy, go cody!
Kualii's family hopes for a boy, so I'm clumping them together.
Krista ( friend, secret lover) hopes it's a boy too, she is on my side for everything, go Krista!
Well, that's all. I will say this, if it is a girl, it'll have the most hair of all the grandkids on this side, unless by some genetic miracle, Lei's baby is a very hairy child. So I'll always have that!;)

Friday, November 14, 2008

Kualii Top Ten

You know on David Letterman, how he does the top ten lists? I love that, so I decided to make top ten lists for people I love.
Top Ten Good Things about Kualii (my husband)
10. This is mean, but, he is the funnest person to annoy, I don't know why, it's just hilarious
9. He recognizes my car as a thing of beauty (it's a blue '93 mazda 323 hatchback, ya jealous?)
8. He got me a doggy- the best dog in the world! A bassett hound named Low Rider.
7. He yells really loud at sports he watches, also hilarious
6. He is cute when he sleeps, he gets all cuddled up like a baby, it's so cute!!! Yeah, my gag reflex is kicking in on that one too, but it's still true!
5. He gets so excited about things, I think that's such a good quality.
4. He always thinks I'm beautiful, even when I think that's a load of crap.
3. He has developed a weird asian accent that he uses when I call him his nickname that he hates (Gozi- how could you hate that?) and when he is in the shower. It is so funny. I love it!!!!
2. He is crazy like me, so he likes my craziness!
1.He loves me and he would never hurt me - on purpose, my feelings get hurt all the time, pregnant or not, but he would never be a jerky, cheating, lying man-whore like some people I know!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My First Blog

Well, it certainly is an emotional, and important day when a girl has her first blog, and I'm very glad that I could share it with you ( I'm addressing a reader as if other people will actually read this, they might not, which is ok because I'm sure they will entertain me and my mommy just fine!). I decided to blog because my friend Krista has a blog and I like to read hers, Jamie has one too, so I decided to join the group. Also, I just have too many good ideas not to have them published on the internet, for example, sports. My thought on sports such as football or basketball is that I would follow them alot better if the team names were food names, because food is actually something I care about, as apposed to vicious animals or maurauding groups of people (well, I suppose I care about dolphins, they seem like very nice animals). Anyhow, I care a lot more about food, food would be interesting, you could like the teams that were the foods you like, like, I would always cheer for hamburgers over meatloaf, or steak over hamburgers. This idea works for many reasons, they could give a team even more unity, like if it was Philadelphia, the cheese steaks, or if it was Idaho, the potatoes, and so on and so forth. Also, this could help team mascots too, if they were short on money they could work advertising for resturaunts during the day, and at the games at night. And this, my friends, is only one example of my brilliance. I advise you to read on, because it could get even better ( I write this to you assuming that you didn't stop reading after my prose on the niceness of dolphins). Okay, that's all for this time, but I think my idea is definitely an A+! PEACE OUT!