Friday, July 8, 2011

Facebook Morons

Can I just say I hate the over achieving morons on facebook. Blah, my 2 year old knows classical composers and identified a beethoven song! Blah, blah, We are now homeowners! Blah, my 18 month old can count to 10 in three languages! Do we really need to brag that much? I guess the happy posts are easier to read than the whiney ones, but I can only "TAKE" so much!!! :-/ And don't even get me started on the ones saying how wonderful and sweet their husbands are and how they do so much for them and get them lame flowers that they have to take a bunch of pictures of and post them too. We have all seen a flower before. Unless it's the best arrangement ever arranged, I don't care that much. I'm only talking about my highschool friends, and annoying relatives. If you're reading this, it doesn't apply to you :)

1 comment:

Krista Eger said...

haha Cynda you make me laugh! I feel the same way! Especially about "we own a house and now I'm going to post a billion picture about crap you could care less about, but I just want to rub it in your face anyway". And the statuses about the husbands are only half the story, the real posts are "I came home to a dozen roses waiting for me on the table from my sweet husband...because he's been cheating on me for the past 3 months and I found the email" Hmm....I just thought of a new game we should play together Cynda. I'm gonna call it "Fix That Status!"...look for a message in your facebook. :D