Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I'm so excited today, because I'm an aunty again! I'm happy K.J. will have a little boy cousin so close to his age to play with, a little over a year apart! I think K.J. knew what was going on the whole time last night, because he was up like EVERY hour (he's probably cutting more teeth) I like to believe that he remembers Kurtis very well, and his spirit knew he was coming! Maybe that's bull crap, I don't know, but with babies, I don't think heaven is ever far, I think the veil is thin for them. This morning when I showed K.J. pictures of the baby, he didn't seem to show any signs of recognizing him or anything, I tried to teach him to say "baby" all he said was "doh!" I'm very excited for him to meet his cousin in real life! I am also very proud of my sister in law, Kadie, I know she did a great job, labor is very hard and scary! And word to my brother! He did not throw up or pass out, or do like we predicted and throw up, then pass out and choke, then wake up and have a seizure and choke some more. Good Job, Zack and Kadie, and Welcome, Baby Kurtis!

1 comment:

Krista Eger said...

Yeah I know the veil is thin and Nate won't give me a straight answer about whether he's having a brother or a sister! rrgh! He does say girl more often when I ask, but that doesn't mean anything.